Is Micro-Blading a tattoo? Is it Permanent?

I hear this all the time, and it is INCORRECT! People who know so little are teaching the wrong information.
The reason that the Microblading procedure fades gently, and needs a color boost every 1-2 years is because so little pigment is placed in the skin at a time, as we are applying small “hair strokes” in the form of ink.

Colors used on the face are much different than those used on the body. They are formulated to fade slowly and on tone.
This is a good thing! Why? Because if they did not fade on the face, over time, the colors would be looking like an old tattoo on a sailors arm that is smeared, migrated and faded but never ever really gone, only to look old and tired. We do not want this look on our faces EVER!!!

Remember Microblading is a SKILL AND AN ART! It is not a science, or like a pair of jeans you can just PUT ON!!!!!
Just because someone took a weekend class on the internet or in the next nearest town or even far away, that does not mean they know color theory, How deep to go in the skin, application know how, cause and effect, symmetry, natural brow shapes and which ones and types fit what face shapes! Do your homework! WE can not stress this enough. BE WARY. WE CONTINUE TO GET CALLS EVERY WEEK ASKING US IF WE CAN “FIX” someone else’s poor work! It is permanent ladies! Yes, it will face but it is permanent.

Microblading is a skill that takes many years to master. There is so much to consider. It is not a science… it is an ART!!! Make sure your artist is reputable and that you LOVE The WORK they have done and you see many many of THEIR OWN over and over again and we never get tired of hearing it… PICTURES OF THEIR OWN WORK,… NOT A CUT AND PASTE OF SOMEONE ELSE’S WORK! THIS IS HAPPENING. Make sure it pleases you and your eye.

When Microblading is done by a skilled, qualified, experienced artist, you will have an enjoyable experience, if you don’t you may be wearing your biggest regret!
You can always trust the experience of Gina Hamilton. Now with 23 years experience, and going strong. She comes from an artistic background. Her grandmother was an artist as well as her mother, children and herself. An ARTISTIC hand and eye are the name of the game.

If you have an experienced artist designing the perfect brows and liner for your face you can rest assured that you will look beautiful for many years to come.
Money should NEVER be the first question you ask when seeking beautiful ART! Money is not an indicator of real ART… your eye is. Money comes after.

Gina has coined the phrase, and believes strongly that “there are good drugs, and there are bad drugs… similarly, there is bad tattooing and there is good tattooing” … A good tattoo in Gina’s eyes in one that replaces or restores something you have lost years ago and gives confidence once again or sometimes for the first time ever! It is NEVER GRAFFITI!!!

Beauty is important. Don’t neglect your Temple. If you only have a small amount of money and no eyebrows… save your money and come see us when you are ready. You will never regret it.
The thing we hear most often after EACH PROCEDURE is a fun one and really has become a phenomenon that occurs each day.
It goes like this…after each procedure, The client looks into the mirror and excitedly says, “I should have done this years ago… I can’t believe it, I have eyebrows”!!!
We hear it over and over again and we NEVER get tired of hearing it!

SO…save your money and get ready to “wake up with beautiful eye framing eyebrows” each and every morning! Wake up with Make Up! You are worth it!
Along with your input, Gina will design the perfect brow for your personal image type and face shape. Gina takes the time to listen to your concerns, takes the needed time to design your individual brows, and discusses design, explains how your face is designed by nature, and then explains the needs for your perfect frame. She will then get your final approval before the process begins. PERFECT!


Schedule Your Appointment

To schedule your appointment with Gina, please call Image Perfect at 435-755-5873
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